Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rainy Day Comfort Food

Today was not a pleasant day outside.  Let's just say the Ark was brought up on more than one occasion.  That fact also seemed to make lots of people want to console themselves with food, which really, is OK with me.  The more foodie consolation they seek, the fatter my pocketbook is when I head home for the day.  

Tonight I decided on my own brand of comfort food.  Fettucini Alfredo.  Though, it must be admitted, I technically do not know the definition of Alfredo sauce.  I make it up, often, and different every time.  Tonight's Alfredo consisted of heavy cream (I think, does 18% qualify as heavy?) butter, garlic salt, chicken stock, two boiled and minced cloves of garlic, and fat free cream cheese.  Quiet in the peanut gallery! How I choose to justify my butter addiction is none of your beeswax.   I then sauteed green peppers, sausage, and canned mushrooms in a small amount of butter (rehab?) with some chili peppers and what I thought was chili powder, but turned out to be paprika.  The mushrooms, after a taste test, were not tasty at all, so I did my best to separate them out and use only the sausage and peppers.  

I let the sauce reduce until it thickened, though I should have waited for optimal thickness, I suppose hunger got the better of me.  Does anybody have tips for cooking fettucini so it doesn't clump together and not soften?  I used olive oil in the water and stirred with one of those funky separating spoons, which was an improvement on my last attempt, though still not up to company standards.  I threw all ingredients together and tossed, then served.  I was lacking a parmesan or reggiano garnish, but I made due.  It was quite tasty, if not a little rich, but I ate less than my usual half ton pasta portion so in my head it all balances out.  Please don't tell the Wii Fit about my reasoning methods.

My charming husband is only now on his way home from work.  Another hazard of the rain, he was force to work four extra hours today.  Hopefully along with revenge, Fettucini Alfredo is a dish best served cold.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The *Absent* Gourmet

I know all one of you who reads this blog is wondering if I died.  No would be the answer, but I've had a cooking hiatus.  Call it laziness, call it a bad week, call it sinking into the abyss of leftovers and fast food.  That aside I am back.

I burnt my arm at work.  Not just a little red spot and stinging, I'm talking a blistering send you the ER burn.  I'd post pictures, but this blog is supposed to be about the appetizing, not the disgusting.  However my arm is all dressed and pressed and ready for some non-action.

Today I made spagetti and meatballs.  The meatballs were ground beef, bread crumbs, egg, SnP and some spices, rolled into inch width balls.  I browned the outsides, then boiled until they were cooked through.  The sauce was tomato paste, crushed tomatos, oregano, marjoram, Montreal steak spice, boiled garlic, garlic salt, Worcester, Burgundy cooking wine and parsley.  I added water to reduce the thickness slightly and simmered for about an hour.  I added some ground beef and eventually the meatballs to simmer.  Then I remembered that I forgot onions of any kind.  I could feel the real Italians rallying outside my door, pitchforks in hand so I quickly diced some onions, browned them and tossed them in.

Tonight my charming husband is heading out with some chums and my girls are coming over, so it will be appy's and cocktails. I think I may try a naan thai chicken pizza, homemade salsa with taco chips, and possibly edamame. Yum.

I will let you know how it turns out.  Thanks for your patience in my absence.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

All Quiet on the Western Stove

Nothing new to report.  Here's why.

I took the weekend off.  We ate junk food, then went to my Grandparents house where they spoiled us with a Turkey dinner and copious leftovers to sustain us for the rest of the weekend.  

I work tonight.

More to come when I get off my butt, do my dishes, and start creating again.  Also, I just saw the WORST Dairy Milk commercial ever, with the creepiest kids.  Yuck.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Chicken Little

This morning, my friends, I have achieved yet another raw meat victory.  I have, in fact, held, cleaned and prepared a raw chicken in its entirety.  Disturbingly enough it made me think of holding a baby, but Freudian issues aside, I am very pleased with myself.  I defrosted the chicken last night, and washed it this morning (I don't even know if you need to wash a grocery store chicken, but I figured better safe than sorry). Then I took a tip from a foodie at work and pushed peeled garlic cloves under its skin, I can only imagine the garlicky goodness that shal result from this innovation.  Next, I rubbed paprika, SnP, garlic salt and Montreal Steak Spice (don't say it) over it, and stuffed it tenderly in the crock pot where it will simmer gloriously on low whilst I venture out to make money today.  I have some Yukon gold potatoes, the small ones, that I am deciding what to do with for a side dish; currently I'm leaning towards mashed.  I will pick up some green beans or other related vegetable on the way home from work.

My charming husband told me to take an extra day off in order to have one more summer weekend with him - what a gem.  I am hoping to make a strata on Saturday or Sunday morning.  Savory style a la Rachael Ray.  I have to pick up some cheeses to make a go of this - but should be fun.  

I have the before picture available currently for the chicken, please note my shining achievement of the lumpy garlic cloves, should you be able to see them despite the obvious blackberry-esque photo quality.  Would you also judge me severely if I mentioned that I've still been too lazy to plug the camera in to charge?  Its alright, I'm judging myself.

Happy Friday to you all. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Coconut Cream

This morning I got up at 7:30.  My mom was coming to pick me up at 10, since my charming husband had our car for the day, and she didn't want me to take an hour train ride on my day off.  I had much to do before she arrived.  There were copious amounts of dishes from my second attempt at the pate brisee last night that needed to get done.  The pate brisee had to be baked into a pie shell, and cooled, then filled with the filling that I had yet to make (sidebar: the filling is Shirriff, not Sherriff, as I had mistakenly been spelling it) and topped with the whipped cream I had yet to beat.  There also had to be a shower and some getting ready thrown in there as well as breakfast.

The pie crust burnt.  

Fortunately I had enough pate brisee left over to make two mini pie shells, about muffin tin size.  I filled one with the filling, which had thickened splendidly, and topped with whipped cream. This was my first ever non-can variety that has not been essentially whipped soup.  On the filling it needs to be said that stirring constantly just plain sucks.  After my hand cooled (perhaps I should try a longer spoon next time) I re-read the package and decided to opt for the cheat-y microwave method next time.  I think I went astray in two places with the pie crust.  First, I took a page from the mini quiche recipe that said you need to leave the pate brisee hanging over the edge of each muffin indent by about 1/2 inch.  It seems with pie crust, any hanging bits will burn.  Secondly, when weighting the bottom of the crust down with rice (which incidentally you should do with a tinfoil buffer, not a wax paper buffer.  Wax paper? Not so pleasant when it begins to cook) you take the rice off once the bottom has formed, approximately halfway through the baking time.  This I learned when sharing my woes over lunch with my mother, aunt and grandmother today.  Also, you should poke holes in the bottom of the pie crust so it doesn't poof up.  Who knew?  Apparently they all did.  

Either way I was satisfied by bringing one mini pie to my grandma for her birthday, and leaving one in the fridge for my husband, for his dessert tonight.  Tomorrow I will make more pate brisee in the morning, leave it to chill while I work, and make mini pies for the rest of the filling, which are actually much more conveniently mobile than one silly large pie anyway.  Of course, I'm not jaded in the slightest by this experience. ...

I don't have any ideas for dinner tomorrow at this moment, but it needs to be something quick as it will be a long day at work and I will be hungry (read: ravenous and likely cranky) when I get home.  Suggestions would be welcome.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So funny story...

...Actually it's really not funny.  I failed to complete the coconut cream pie.  What's this, you ask? Well, really I'm just a big lazy slob.  Truth be told, after serving until 4:30 on the first day of school (which incidentally involves kids actually being in attendance at the school for an hour, and then heading out to lunch at a less than kid-friendly establishment, and all sitting in my section) and then transiting home, I bailed on the completion.  Instead, I heated up last night's hamburger soup, which I then served with a loaf of Safeway's "french" bread, and some olive oil and balsamic.  Then I vegged.  Until 10PM when I thought to myself - crap, I'd better at least make the pate brisee so it can chill, and I can get up ridiculously early to finish it before heading out for a ladies lunch with my x chromosome family members tomorrow.

So. The Pate Brisee.  This went marginally well again, though I had one false start when I quadrupled the salt instead of double checking the quantity before charging ahead and dumping it in.  Fortunately only the salt and some flour were wasted.  On the plus side, I actually had wax paper for the kneading and the chilling tonight.  This is to be continued when we see if I have the culinary savvy to handle the Sherriff coconut cream filling, and the pie shell pre-bake.  Until tomorrow then.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Two Soups for YOU!

Tonight I went grocery shopping.  I spent twice as much as I'd hoped to, but a large shop was in order, so it worked out OK.  Instead of coming home to put the groceries away and relax like any normal person would on a holiday Monday, I decided to make not one, but two kinds of soup.  I have completed a hamburger soup, which I am currently scarfing down a bowl of.  I used extra lean ground beef, beef stock (I am not at the level of boiling beef knuckles, or whatever higher planes of yuck await when making your own stock) crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, chili powder, hot sauce, canned peas, onions celery and macaroni.  I sauteed the beef and onions together, then added the broth and tomatoes with a bay leaf, basil, boiled grated garlic, seasoning salt and then the peas and macaroni a bit later.  It is yummy.  Due to a slight over-pour on the chili powder, it also has quite a kick to it.

I am currently mid simmer on what I hope to be Minestrone - Isis style.  I've already ruined the beans I bought to use.  Apparently dried beans require something other than a simple boil - duly noted.  I've never cooked barley before, so I'm hoping that works out, otherwise I'm going to have tomato vegetable water. Awesome.


Ok, so I've completely finished.  The vegetable soup worked well enough, the barley added substance and the soup is colorful, if not a little bland.  Or perhaps I think its bland because I don't generally consume things that lack a maimed animal of some sort. I may not like the raw meat, but once its cooked, it becomes my BFF.   It is now 9:45 PM, I still have laundry to do (though all the machines in our building are currently occupied) and I have just now sat down to relax.  Upshot, I have dinner cooked and ready for tomorrow, all I have to worry about is some bread to go with, and I can take some veggie soup for lunch.  Maybe they'll even let me borrow (read: take at my leisure) some cheese to spice it up.  

Tomorrow night - coconut cream pie!  My charming husband's weakness of weaknesses.  I am cheating and going the easy route, having purchased the custard mix in Sherriff form, but I will be making the pate brisee (pie crust) from scratch, and blending the whipped cream myself - so its not a complete cheat.  I will let you know the result...or not, if the result is extra good! ;-)

Happy Labour Day!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday Traditions

I work every Saturday.  I hate working Saturday's.  My tradition is, when I get off on time, to come home and make KD.  I love Saturday KD.  This time, though, we had no KD so I pulled my culinary skills out of the lazy cupboard they've been kept in this week, and put them to use.  I made shell pasta, and drowned them in a sauce of 3 TBLSP whipping cream (unwhipped) 1/2 cup grated marble cheese, 2 TBLSP Cheez Whiz, and 2 TBLSP Butter, melted and stirred.  I added some SnP and hot sauce to taste.  Then, the best part, I served myself and drowned it in KETCHUP, essentially ruining the sauce but making it taste so good.

That's all for today. Happy Labour Day Weekend.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Definitely Slacking

This morning I made carrot muffins with cream cheese icing.  Nothing like grating carrots for twenty minutes before nine in the morning.  I thought the muffins were a bit dry, but I added a bit more frosting and they went over well at work.

Got something that can only be called migraine-esque mid afternoon at work, and even though my charming husband spent time rubbing my temples, I couldn't be bothered being fancy for dinner.  I completely copped out with shake and bake drumsticks (in the microwave, no less) frozen corn, and instant potatoes.  Nothing to write home about.  Really shouldn't even be blogging about it, but here we are.

Hopefully I can be a little more inventive tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stovetop Beef Stroganoff

Tonight, after a day of ridiculous demands, frustrating public, and rain during my transit ride I was in the mood for something quick.  I had put some beef stir-fry strips in the fridge to thaw and they were ready by the time I got home.  I browned them, added cream of mushroom soup, 1/4 cup of half and half, worcester sauce and some of the starchy water from some boiled pasta.  I also used some various salts n spices on the meat.  I added a can of sliced mushrooms and some steamed broccoli to one of my favorite time-crunch recipes.  I have no picture for you as I was too hungry and grumpy to bother with the camera. 

I considered making cinnamon buns tonight, but the second wind has bailed on its scheduled start time, so I am sitting here watching my charming husband play Metal Gear Solid on our PS3, and avoiding getting out of my chair at all costs.  Hopefully more motivation tomorrow.

Apparently its "worcestershire".  Where's the audio pronunciation guide when you need it?